A walk around the old stomping ground - Arundel; progress on book 4 - Summer at The Secondhand Bookworm
A WALK AROUND THE OLD STOMPING GROUND; ARUNDEL BOOKSHOP HOME OF THE BOOKWORMS A few weeks ago I took a walk around my local town of Arundel before visiting my cousin in the secondhand and antiquarian bookshop I helped to managed for 10 years. I like to pop in and catch up on new stock that has come in; it was always interesting when I ran the shop to discover some fascinating and fun books that people wished to sell, but I manage to curb the temptation to buy more books for myself now! The trouble with working in a secondhand bookshop is your wages can be transformed into books, and there is always the desperate need to snap up items you know don't come along very often. I bought many hundreds, if not thousands, of books for stock over the years that I worked at the bookshop and it was often quite nerve-wracking when rare books were brought in for sale. On one occasion a lady took me out to her car and I rummaged through several battered old boxes. I pulled out wha...