The Secondhand Bookworm bookshop novels, romance and humour, updates coming this August

I have been working on some story-line improvements in the first TWO novels in my bookworm series over the past few weeks and hope to have the updated versions ready and available to READ within the next couple of weeks. The Secondhand Bookworm and Nora and The Secondhand Bookworm were first written over ten years ago as a compilation of stories and experiences working in a bookshop for ten years, written and privately published for my work colleagues. I made them available on AMAZON KINDLE a few years back and have been enjoying extending and continuing the series into SIX so far, with more to come. I haven't been COMPLETELY happy with the first two because they do lack gripping story arcs even though they are a fun, enjoyable read, and because I have had a bit of a break working on my bookshop series and wanted to read through them to refresh my memory, I decided to add some wonderful twists and turns and gripping story-lines to make them more of a fabulous introducti...