Bookworm book trailer, The Secondhand Bookworm, Amazon kindle, trailer
This week I have produced several short Book Trailers for my novels in The Secondhand Bookworm series. This first one is for Book 1 - The Secondhand Bookworm. Book Trailers are great for a quick visual encounter with your book. Book Trailer for the first in a series of novels set in a used and antiquarian bookshop in a little Sussex town, based on 10 years of book selling, guaranteed to raise a few chuckles. In this feel-good debut novel (book 1 of 6 available so far - Jan 2020) readers will enjoy entering the world of secondhand book-selling in a quaint eccentric town on the south coast of England. UK Amazon link Nora works in ‘The Secondhand Bookworm’ – a cosy, winding, labyrinth of a shop with room, upon room, upon room of used and antiquarian books. The week starts normally enough, with a visit from the notorious Ravens (two infamous ladies who leave a deluge of carrier bags behind the counter and argue in whispers), a man who changes his fashion with his li...