Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm - Book 7 in the bookshop series of novels due for release soon


This week I shall be working on book 7 in my bookshop series of novels - BOOK CLUB AT THE SECONDHAND BOOKWORM - which continues on from Black Friday. Nora and the Duke of Cole are now dating, the book club takes place in the front room of The Secondhand Bookworm in Castletown on Thursday evenings over seven weeks, and of course, mishaps and bookworm chaos ensues.

For this novel I have tried a different format which will be a one off, letting the story unfold over seven weeks instead of six days. It's been interesting covering Christmas and the New Year in one novel and focusing on twelve specific characters for the Book Club, where I have been able to develop some particular customers who have featured through the series:

CROSSWORD-LADY (who insists that Nora is actually the actress Gina McKee)
SPENCER BROWN (whom Nora is convinced turns into a vampire bat)
AMY (a new member of staff)
MISS RAVEN (the daughter of Mrs Raven, two women who plague the bookshops with their entourage of carrier bags)

New characters include DANNY who starts dating BETTY.

The format sees alternating chapters with the first chapter spending a day in the bookshop serving customers and dealing with crisis's and dramas, followed by the Book Club in the next chapter, and so on. It's turned out well and promises plenty of laughs.

I'm getting ready to move on to Book 8 once editing is complete and Book 7 is available to read. Book 8 is - VALENTINE'S DAY AT THE SECONDHAND BOOKWORM - and sees Nora face to face with Braxton Parker-Hodge, her ex-boyfriend who was a serial proposer and who has opened a shop in Castletown promising lots of adventures in The Secondhand Bookworm....

Novels 1-6 are available to download and read TODAY from AMAZON, perfect if you enjoy and an easy, good, fun, clean read in the crazy world of bookselling:



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