THIS WEEKEND - Free KINDLE SUMMER book - Summer at the Secondhand Bookworm

THIS WEEKEND I am making available my novel 'Summer at The Secondhand Bookworm' which is book 4 in my series of happy, funny novels set in an English bookshop FREE to download through Amazon Kindle.

The novels are based upon my ten years experience running three antiquarian and secondhand bookshops in Sussex, England, primarily the branch in Arundel, West Sussex until 2012.

'Summer at The Secondhand Bookworm' naturally includes a wry look at running a bookshop during the summer season with plenty of mishaps and book-related sub-plots. Have you ever attended the Festival of Flowers? Have you been on the Gallery Trail in Arundel? Ever been up to the castle or, of course, into the bookshop in the town below?

This book can be enjoyed as a stand alone novel and could serve as a taster for the series of which I currently have 6 in publication.

The book will be available to download from free until Monday at midnight, worldwide through Amazon.

Here's the blurb:

It's summer in Castletown and festival week has begun. Nora Jolly works in The Secondhand Bookworm, a rambling three story shop higgledy-piggledy with books, upon books, upon books! This week is full of the bizarre and the hilarious as thousands of tourists arrive to visit the Carpet of Flowers, walk the Art Trail, watch the entertainment in the square, hunt the Castletown treasure, ride the Tuk-Tuk up the hill, take a smuggling walk, have their faces painted, visit the newly built castle and of course, buy some books!

It's sweltering hot so Nora spends her time chasing children eating ice-creams out of the shop while enduring noisy steel bands, out of tune banjo players, Castletown's Got Talent and streams of popping bubbles with new and old customers galore such as Crossword-Lady, the man with the enormous moustache, Spencer and his alien sightings, Harry on his vanity run, Mr Hill and his battered green suitcase, a famous Radio DJ and a woman with a beard. There are flying monkeys, Moomins on stilts, a giant metal spider army, and the Goat Lady's mother-in-law has died so that means a dreaded visit to look at her books with Bill and his scraggly beard lurking in the shadows.

Cara and Nora's brother Seymour have gotten engaged, Roger has become a Buddhist, Troy wants Georgina to elope, Betty has some more scandalous stories, Jason has biked eight miles to work on his racer, and the Duke is sending Nora text messages. There's a staff barbecue down the beach where Percival turns up in his red Speedos and Miss Raven is spotted with a gentleman friend; a summer gathering to watch Shakespeare on the Hill, vintage fire trucks, Penguin book deckchairs, a travelling organ and Nora and Humphrey are given a personal tour of the Duke of Cole's library much to Humphrey's chagrin.

Abba tributes, a foiled bookshop robbery, wine tasting, a valet named Jeeves, a violent goose, a man who looks like a gnome, a journey to the center of the bookshop, attacking seagulls and Nora being enlisted to hang out an old lady's unmentionables while on a traditional bookshop calls day all make up another hilarious week at The Secondhand Bookworm in book four of this new growing series of fun, feel-good novels!

The perfect summer read!


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