Lockdown at The Secondhand Bookworm - Book 9 - English bookshop novels on Kindle and in Paperback

Writing progress in The Secondhand Bookworm Series - Thursday 13th August 2020: NEWS! NEWS! BOOKWORM NEWS! This week I sent the finished manuscript of Book 8 in my series of novels set in an English bookshop to my proof reader Anne! It is called 'Valentine's Day at The Secondhand Bookworm' and takes place a few weeks after 'Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm', following six days with Nora Jolly in The Secondhand Bookworm's used and antiquarian bookstore during Valentine's Week (a new festival put on in the fictional County of Cole). Once the manuscript is ready for release I shall make it available on Amazon to download on Kindle, to read for free with Kindle Unlimited, and to purchase in paperback - I have to say I love the Amazon paperbacks, they do a great job. I have now started writing the next book which is called 'Lockdown at The Secondhand Bookworm' and follows on from Valentine's Day, covering several months of lock-down with Nora Joll...