Lockdown at The Secondhand Bookworm - Book 9 - English bookshop novels on Kindle and in Paperback

Writing progress in The Secondhand Bookworm Series - Thursday 13th August 2020:


This week I sent the finished manuscript of Book 8 in my series of novels set in an English bookshop to my proof reader Anne! It is called 'Valentine's Day at The Secondhand Bookworm' and takes place a few weeks after 'Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm', following six days with Nora Jolly in The Secondhand Bookworm's used and antiquarian bookstore during Valentine's Week (a new festival put on in the fictional County of Cole).

Once the manuscript is ready for release I shall make it available on Amazon to download on Kindle, to read for free with Kindle Unlimited, and to purchase in paperback - I have to say I love the Amazon paperbacks, they do a great job.

I have now started writing the next book which is called 'Lockdown at The Secondhand Bookworm' and follows on from Valentine's Day, covering several months of lock-down with Nora Jolly at the bookshop, the Duke of Cole's castle, the eccentric town and more with the usual locals, regular customers, staff and friends.

I had intended to go straight on to 'Prosecco at The Secondhand Bookworm' which is prepared and ready to write, but a book about Lockdown in the bookshop was requested and having written notes, ideas, experiences and plots, I've been enjoying planning the novel and now fleshing it out, for a lighthearted, interesting and often amusing read in the world of English book selling.

I always design the book cover first as I find it inspiring and motivating for my writing, so here it is:

So far I've written chapter one titled 'Lockdown', where Nora prepares to close the bookshop for the unforeseeable future due to a pandemic sweeping the County of Cole. In chapter two, 'The Stay Home Plan', Humphrey drops by at The Secondhand Bookworm and offers his blue ray box set of The Twilight Zone for Nora and the Duke to binge watch at the castle after their conversation leads to a discussion about the episode 'Time Enough to Last', Season 1, episode 8.


A timeless Twilight Zone episode with a book theme:

'Witness Mr. Henry Bemis, a charter member in the fraternity of dreamers. A bookish little man whose passion is the printed page, but who is conspired against by a bank president and a wife and a world full of tongue-cluckers and the unrelenting hands of a clock. But in just a moment, Mr. Bemis will enter a world without bank presidents or wives or clocks or anything else. He'll have a world all to himself... without anyone.' - The Twilight Zone, Season 1, Episode 8

Nora has a guest room at the Duke of Cole's newly restored magnificent castle which gave the ancient town its name of Castletown. James, Duke of Cole, was originally called the Duke of Sussex, but I had to change that after book 5 (and go back through them all) when Prince Harry was given the title! It has worked out well, keeping the location fictional despite being based loosely on my ten years experience running a secondhand and antiquarian bookshop in an ancient Sussex town complete with its own castle.

The Duke of Cole's castle has at least three libraries, so Nora will be quite at home during Lockdown, but of course the usual chaos and dramas of The Secondhand Bookworm are certain to occur such as:

Hilarious Bookshop Zoom Meetings. a Zoom Book Club with all the characters from book 7, THE GREAT TOILET ROLL ROBBERY, dealing with rumours about the Duke of Cole, Tik-Tok videos from Cara, online theatre productions from Nora's brother Seymour's The Jolly Theatre, conspiracy theories from Spencer Brown, Nora's stalker, book quizzes, Zoom book charades, discoveries in the Duke's libraries, reopening The Secondhand Bookworm and much more.

I write for fun, for my sister, friends and former work colleagues, but having made the series available for anyone to discover on Amazon Kindle I hope my readers will enjoy this next upcoming addition to the series.

Keep an eye out for Valentine's Day at The Secondhand Bookworm, coming soon!

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