Valentine's Day at The Secondhand Bookworm coming soon to Kindle and in paperback from Amazon

Book Eight in The Secondhand Bookworm will be available to download and read with Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited or in paperback within the next few weeks - Valentine's Day at The Secondhand Bookworm!
I am now reading through the first draft of the manuscript which is great fun.
I started the series back in 2008 for my work colleagues and reworked and continued it for my sister and I, for friends and colleagues and, having made it available publicly through Amazon, for those who enjoy reading the eccentric, often funny, ins and outs of a used bookshop in an historic town in England.

Valentine's Day takes place over six days during Valentine's Week in Castletown, with The Secondhand Bookworm participating in the County of Cole's newly established festival. Lots of things are happening, with market stalls, street performers, displays, romantic talks, walks and of course, Valentine-themed books - tongue-in-cheek of course with lots of madness.

I am now ready to move onto Book Nine alongside my final edits for Valentine's which is called
loosely based on the current pandemic, with The Secondhand Bookworm closing down due to the spread of a strange virus from the melted permafrost in the Arctic.

My first job is to layout the chapters and plan a rough idea of things that will happen and the timeline, leading into the next book at the end, as well as the cover design which I did today for inspiration. I love to design covers and am pleased with the result. It's possible it could change as my writing progresses and develops but at the moment it captures the idea of LOCK DOWN at THE SECONDHAND BOOKWORM.

I shall get to work on this one once I've finished reading through Valentine's Day and have sent it through to my proof-reader Anne who helped update my novels recently with a careful read through. The original plan was for me to go straight on to Prosecco at The Secondhand Bookworm, but Lock Down has been requested and I've had lots of ideas for Nora at the bookshop, the castle, bookshop zoom meetings, zoom Book Clubs, quarantine, reopening The Secondhand Bookworm and much more for a lighthearted read as part of the bookworm series.

Here is a sneak peek of the novel cover. I look froward to writing it and having available as part of The Secondhand Bookworm story soon!


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