All six bookworm novels available to read on Amazon Kindle

I admit that it's easier to pick up a thriller or crime novel these days so as to keep your mind engrossed and gripped in a gritty, dark, heart-pounding story, rather than to embark upon a gentle, lighthearted read.

While I love to write psychological thrillers under a pen name, I really enjoy writing my The Secondhand Bookworm series for the setting, the humour (the sprinkling of friendships and romance) and an unfolding week spent among every sort of book imaginable (within reason...)

I am currently writing book 7 in the series but it's slow going because work is currently manic and I have a lot of projects underway. However, I do like to pop into The Secondhand Bookworm occasionally for a re-read and a little more writing.

So far there are six completed novels in the series all available on Amazon Kindle and free with Kindle Unlimited. They can be read in sequence or stand alone, and they're perfect for a nice, amusing uplifting few hours at a time.

So far I have written:

The Secondhand Bookworm (a week in the bookshop set in an eccentric ancient town in the fictional county of Cole, England)
Nora and The Secondhand Bookworm (set in November and during 'Poppy Day' week)
Christmas at The Secondhand Bookworm (snow, shoppers and seasonal book-madness)
Summer at The Secondhand Bookworm (tourist, ice-creams, festivals and books)
Halloween at The Secondhand Bookworm (the bookshop is transformed into Shelob's lair)
Black Friday at The Secondhand Bookworm (book bargains and book hunters galore)

I'm writing Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm which is great fun, this time set over 7 weeks instead of 6 days.

Underlying themes of friendship, romance and literary interests always make each book a little bit extra special.

If you're looking for something nice, friendly, lighthearted, readable and absorbing then why not try one of The Secondhand Bookworm novels today? All are available from Amazon and in paperback.


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