The Secondhand Bookworm - an introduction to the bookshop

The Secondhand Bookworm novels are a series of lighthearted, amusing reads set in a rambling and rather eccentric used and antiquarian bookshop on the south coast of England. Based around Nora Jolly and her (sometimes crazy) co-workers, in each novel we spend a week in the bookshop with excursions to various houses in the little bookshop van where anything and everything relating to the world of buying and selling books can and does happen! Kick-starting the series is 'The Secondhand Bookworm' where we are introduced to Nora, her co-workers, friends and large array of new and regular customers; as well as the three story bookshop that contains over 27,000 books in shelves, cases, piled upon floors and even filling the attic room of the rickety old Tudor building. With chapter headings including 'Pretty Shoes', 'A Room with a Tree' and 'Concerning Ravens', Nora Jolly spends a week in this first book battling torrential rain that floods into the fro...