The Secondhand Bookworm - an introduction to the bookshop

The Secondhand Bookworm novels are a series of lighthearted, amusing reads set in a rambling and rather eccentric used and antiquarian bookshop on the south coast of England. Based around Nora Jolly and her (sometimes crazy) co-workers, in each novel we spend a week in the bookshop with excursions to various houses in the little bookshop van where anything and everything relating to the world of buying and selling books can and does happen!

Kick-starting the series is 'The Secondhand Bookworm' where we are introduced to Nora, her co-workers, friends and large array of new and regular customers; as well as the three story bookshop that contains over 27,000 books in shelves, cases, piled upon floors and even filling the attic room of the rickety old Tudor building.

With chapter headings including 'Pretty Shoes', 'A Room with a Tree' and 'Concerning Ravens', Nora Jolly spends a week in this first book battling torrential rain that floods into the front of the shop, dealing with the local Ghostbuster who is convinced his books are haunted, harassed by old ladies demanding stamps, spotting a stranded seagull, tolerating plenty of rude customers, meeting a paranoid Polish Count and an erratic daytime soap actor and finally going on a date with Humphrey; all the while buying in a range of fascinating old books, calling around houses to looks through unusual and often bookworm-eaten libraries, and setting the scene for plenty of scandal, humour and romance in the novels that follow.

Start the series today on Amazon kindle and kindle unlimited for a new and enjoyable world of book buying, selling and reading through the eyes of Nora. Jolly.

Six in the series so far with more on the way! Keep your eyes peeled for new and hilarious Bookworm titles.

Check out the novels on Amazon, especially if you love books and bookshops.


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