The onslaught of crazy customers continues - the American Gunslinger comes to town, writing book 7

I've been reading through the text I have written so far for my seventh novel in The Secondhand Bookworm series of books (kindle and paperback) and have been laughing away to myself. I thought I would share this snippet from chapter three 'The Almost Shortest Day' as a sneak preview. Here goes:

Coming soon - book 7 in the series

The door opened and a burly man appeared in the doorway. He wore a cap and a trench coat.
“Excuse me! The antique centre’s closed. What’s up with that?”
“Oh. Yes the owner’s gone to China for Christmas with his girlfriend.” Nora explained apologetically.
Amy looked interested.
“I’ve got some guns for sale!” The man hollered and held them up like an American gunslinger.
Nora dove behind the counter.
“They ain’t loaded.” The man said, offended.
Amy was laughing loudly.
“You numpty.” She told Nora, taking her arm and hoisting her up.
“I don’t like guns.” Nora said.
“When’s it open again?” The gunslinger asked.
“I’m not sure. They just upped and left. Sometime in the New Year I expect.” Nora explained.
The man stalked off, brandishing his guns and looking vengeful.
“Someone’ll call the police on him.” Amy decided.
Nora chuckled.

Ah, you just never know who's going to arrive through the door of The Secondhand Bookworm.
More previews soon.

Looking forward to finishing this one and having it available as part of the series. The first six are ready to download and read now.


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