This month's Kindle sales - The Secondhand Bookworm series

The Secondhand Bookworm series - April 2023 Kindle sales so far for The Secondhand Bookworm series of novels this month have been rising with 18 books sold on Kindle and over 1000 pages read with Kindle Unlimited, too. April 2023 has been a really fun month for The Secondhand Bookworm series of novels. All profits from sales go to Mary's Dowry Productions, my co-shared film apostolate, which is wonderful because this month we bought a simple brown peasant farmer's apron for use in our film presentation of Saint Dymphna, filmed at the bluebell woods in Clapham, West Sussex. We produced biographical films about little known English Saints and Martyrs as well as interesting and inspiring historical figures, especially women and popular Saints from around the world. While I write the series of novels for my own enjoyment, for work colleagues at the real bookshop I ran for ten years (I left in 2012 to do film media full-time) and for my sister, they are available for friends, fami...