Nora and the bookshop, The Secondhand Bookworm, the paperback room - series of novels

The Paperback Room

Featured throughout my series of novels 'The Secondhand Bookworm' is the paperback room. Located on the top floor of the rambling, three floor bookshop The Secondhand Bookworm, situated in the fictional Castletown in the County of Cole, the paperback room houses several thousand paperback novels in categories and in alphabetical order.

In real life, this was a very popular room, but also one that people moaned about reaching. It took two full flights of stairs to get to. But it was always worth the climb.

In my fictional series of novels the paperback room features regularly. It is often a source of amusement or irritation, a place to meet locals, a place to spend hours tidying and sorting (such as with Paperback Pam) or a place to run up to as fast of possible and search the shelves for requested titles.

In book 7 in The Secondhand Bookworm 'Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm', the story opens with a new part-time member of staff who spends the whole day supposedly putting away a huge new stock of science fiction books.

Here is an excerpt:

“I do wish people would stop calling me Hugh Grant.” Tom announced smugly. 

Nora looked at him. 

“You don’t look like you’re in your late fifties or early sixties.” She pointed out. 

Tom’s smug smile faded. 

“Of course, they’re not referring to how he looks now, but to his dashing, gorgeous features when he was in Notting Hill.”

 “Oh. Vain much?” Nora teased.

 “I can’t help it if I make the ladies swoon.”

 Nora rolled her eyes. 

“Well, here’s the next batch of books to put away, Hugh.” She said, picked up a pile and loaded up his weedy arms. 

“I think you’ll be pleased with the paperback room, especially the science fiction section. I’m doing a marvellous job.” He boasted. 

“I’m sure you are. Are they all fitting in?”

 “Leave it to me.” Tom said, flicked back his floppy fringe and set off once more. 

Nora sighed. Since her colleague Cal had left for a new job at a publishing company in Piertown, Georgina had been trying out new members of staff to replace him. So far Nora had worked with a girl named Olivia who had cried all the time because she had broken up with her boyfriend, a boy named Parker who had shouted at people, and a woman named Rebecca who had contradicted the staff, the customers and even Georgina. Tom was the latest and he was a peacock.

Later in the same chapter, Tom's folly is revealed:

Tom came downstairs at quarter to five.

“Well, I’m very pleased with that. A good day’s work.” He boasted.

“I’ll have a look; I need to use the ladies.” Nora smiled, grabbing the keys.

When she walked into the paperback room and around the corner to the fantasy and sci-fi section, Nora stopped dead.

Tom had placed all the paperbacks on the floor in rows instead of on the shelves so that there was no way anyone could walk in one quarter of the entire room. The whole area was jam packed and looked terrible.

Nora couldn’t believe it. She was confounded. Although the books were in alphabetical order of author they were a mixture of subjects, with general fiction placed among it all too. She shook her head and groaned aloud, taking out her phone.

“Everything alright?” Georgina’s merry voice answered.

She was smiling on Facetime in her large rustic kitchen with Fluffy attacking something on the worktop behind her.

“Erm…look…” Nora said and turned the phone around.

She heard Georgina’s shocked exclamation as Nora gave her a visual tour of the floor.

“What’s that all about?!”

“Tom spent the day doing it. I had no idea he was decorating the floor with the books. He said he was doing a fantastic job and I assumed he was actually putting them on the shelves!”

“That’s not good.” Georgina said flatly. “Not good at all. No. We can’t have silliness like that. Not at all.”

Nora felt sorry for Tom but agreed.

During the ten years I helped to run a bookshop in West Sussex, i remember how every member of staff longed to hide away in the paperback room, putting books on shelves, sorting sections and becoming lost in the solitude. The actual paperback room in our shop had been used by the previous bookshop owners for storage. The new owner (and my employer) had it renovated when she opened under a new trading name and fitted bookcases were constructed and screwed to all the walls.

 In each of my novels I enjoy including the paperback room. I have kept the shop description real in my novels, drawing upon the layouts and rooms in which to play out my stories. My main character is called Nora Jolly. I chose this name Nora back in 2008 because when I was a teenager I had been struck by its obscurity as the name of a character in a 1990's Christian Slater film called  'Pump up the Volume'. For some reason the name stuck with me and although I'm not that keen on it (or the movie anymore), it has always worked well. I often imagine Nora as the actress Samantha Mathis in the said film (screenshot below)

If you enjoy paperbacks, fiction, bookshops and stories set around books then you may enjoy this growing series available in paperback and Kindle from Amazon worldwide:

The Secondhand Bookworm
Nora and The Secondhand Bookworm
Christmas at The Secondhand Bookworm (the arrival of the Duke)
Summer at The Secondhand Bookworm
Halloween at The Secondhand Bookworm
Black Friday at The Secondhand Bookworm
Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm
Valentine's Day at The Secondhand Bookworm

Available worldwide from Amazon - search for Emily Jane Bevans
The Secondhand Bookworm
or click below if you are in the UK


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