Strange Things at The Secondhand Bookworm OUT NOW - Kindle novel


On a normal Monday morning (as normal as it gets in eccentric Castletown) Nora Jolly arrives to work at The Secondhand Bookworm - a rambling old shop with three floors and an attic room stuffed to capacity with books, upon books, upon books, and more books, with a winding staircase spiralling upwards and branching off into numerous rooms, a kitchen and a yard, a ghost under the flagstones, and with shelves, windowsills, nooks and crannies boasting over 27,000 used, some new and many antiquarian tomes - only to be faced with her greatest bookworm ordeal yet! 

Erik Lodbrok, an enormous man with Norse blood, a body like Thor the god of Thunder and a frown that scares everyone, especially newcomer Wimsey (an Emo into Screamo), has arrived with a claim upon The Secondhand Bookworm. A ridiculous clause in the sale of the shop six years earlier to Georgina Pickering, Nora's friend and boss, has made the son of the former owners step in and threaten to usurp the literary labyrinth from Nora. 

 Alongside the arrival of Erik the Viking, who has decided to shadow Nora for the week to determine whether or not to claim or close The Secondhand Bookworm, strange things have been happening in the shop. Things get strangerer and strangerer as the week progresses. 

 With her usual patience (!) and humour, Nora navigates through the unexpected as she deals with an infestation of slugs (many blue and enormous!), missing books, voices in the walls, sabotage and unbelievable rumours; a terrifying bookshop calls day to Gravestone Lunatic Asylum, a government laboratory, a rotting pumpkin farm and a cursed book; the local graphomaniac author; flying punches during skittles in the town hall and a hair raising Roller Derby; the usual mad locals and even madder customers; old friends, new friends, and plenty of literary discoveries and disasters. 

 Fortunately, James the Duke of Cole returns in the midst of things and has a question he wishes to ask Nora!

Enjoy book 10 now with Amazon Kindle, Kindleunlimited and in paperback. Watch for more titles in The Secondhand Bookworm soon!


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