Apocalypse at The Secondhand Bookworm is now available

 Apocalypse at The Secondhand Bookworm

Now available to read with amazon Kindle and in paperback worldwide

As with all my books, royalties from sales or KDP reading goes to Mary's Dowry Productions, my film production apostolate to help with props, costumes and production of films. That aside, book 12 in my series of novels set in a bookshop is now available!

Here is the blurb:

The local Doomsday Compound has closed so Nora Jolly, who runs The Secondhand Bookworm in Castletown, has travelled with her boss and friend Georgina Pickering in the bookshop calls van to rifle through the extensive library of apocalyptic literature so as to pull out volumes they think will sell in their used and antiquarian bookshop. Nora thinks this is a very bad idea, but Georgina is determined! She's even had built two new free-standing bookcases in the winding, rickety old bookshop, one of which will house the entire library of Armageddon tomes. 

One of the bookshop's regular customers, Spencer Brown, is overseeing the mass exodus of End Times Cults who had gathered and lived in the vast complex. All they had in common was that they were awaiting the imminent apocalypse! Throw into the mix a celestial event in the form of 'Comet Nostradamus' in the skies above Castletown, the arrival of several new and mind-boggling establishments about the town, strange and foreboding noises throughout the juddering, shuddering bookshop, and droves of cult members descending upon The Secondhand Bookworm seeking their naysaying literature, and Nora's convinced the Apocalypse at The Secondhand Bookworm is near.

 Humphrey's dating a Vampire, Georgina's 'done-did' with Troy, a new nightclub called Babylon has opened at the top of the hill and Georgina earns a new sobriquet. The Duke of Cole has a new book-enterprising idea, Ghost Rider takes up residence outside the shop, Jason has upgraded his advertising outfit from a skeleton to the Grim Reaper, and Mr Clegg officially opens his new and macabre 'Asylum and Pharmaceutical Museum' opposite The Felix Bookshop. The Beast is causing an uproar in The Secondhand Bookworm's sister shop in Seatown, James and Erik have taken up boxing, Lord Malcolm arrives for a visit, there's a new arrival in the form of a giant Egg about the town, and visionaries, mystics and seers all seem bent on favouring Nora with personal messages from Heaven about an imminent End of Days calamity. 

 Meanwhile, Nora contends with endless customers, new and regular, including Mr Fink, who is writing his latest local book, the Ravens and Mr Hill, the latter of whom finally faces his own personal Apocalypse. Curiosity Museums, Johnny Blaze comics, a rare run of Golden Cockerel press; UFOs, Roald Dahl Day, Apokalypsis; the Seven Plagues, new faces in the bookshop (Quinn) and old (Jane), bubble teas, vampires, the Cult of Cthulhu and Yetis; wedding plans, a funeral, an Avenging angel, a barrage of Catholic End Times seers; warnings, vengeance, a dramatic break-up; an evening of stargazing, a sprinkling of romance and the growing build-up to a truly cataclysmic event in The Secondhand Bookworm all come together to make this new novel in a series of novels set in an English Bookshop a highly amusing, gripping, mind-blowing, eccentric and End Times read. 

 Apocalypse at The Secondhand Bookworm is book twelve in the series with more coming soon. It may be the Apocalypse, but it isn't the end of all things books!



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