Summer at The Secondhand Bookworm - The Castletown Tuk-Tuk, kindle novel, fiction, series

The Castletown Tuk-Tuk was inspired upon a visit in May to Arundel where the little Tuk-Tuk was parked ready to give tours about the town. I love to include eccentric and humorous things in my series of novels and the Tuk-Tuk was a must!

The Tuk-Tuk in Arundel
Castletown is my fictional setting for my series of novels set in a secondhand and antiquarian bookshop. The novels are based upon my ten years experience working in and managing a secondhand bookshop in Arundel. I started the series in 2008 for fun, writing two novels for my book colleagues which were a great success. A couple of years ago I decided to rewrite the first volumes and continue with the planned series so as to make them available on Amazon Kindle. So far I have four in the series and am currently working on book five.

The Tuk-Tuk first appears in 'Summer at The Secondhand Bookworm', book four in my series of novels, but I will include it in more. I am especially looking forward to including it in my fifth novel in the series 'Halloween at The Secondhand Bookworm' where I am sure it can play a 'spooky' role.

In my novels I have made the Castletown Tuk-Tuk black and red. Like the Arundel Tuk-Tuk, my Tuk-Tuk starts its tours by the museum. My town has a slightly different layout, with shops, people and customers fictionalized for my stories, but I draw my inspiration from my old place of work and living close to Arundel I visit the town regularly. My cousin also still works in the bookshop there so always has plenty of new bookworm stories for me to draw upon.

I shall be working on 'Halloween at The Secondhand Bookworm' over the next few months and hope to have it available by the end of October 2018.

Start The Secondhand Bookworm series of novels today on Amazon Kindle

The Secondhand Bookworm series titles presently available by Emily Jane Bevans:

The Secondhand Bookworm
Nora and The Secondhand Bookworm
Christmas at The Secondhand Bookworm
Summer at The Secondhand Bookworm

available from Amazon globally including

AMAZON UK (link)
and AMAZON COM (link)

coming next

Halloween at The Secondhand Bookworm


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