Two more titles in the series - The Secondhand Bookworm, cover designing, novels: Book Club and Black Friday

After completing my latest novel release 'Summer at The Secondhand Bookworm', I have spent a couple of days playing around with cover designs for two more titles in the series. I had already planned to write 'Valentine's Day at The Secondhand Bookworm' as book six, after 'Halloween at The Secondhand Bookworm' but I am hoping to be able to complete 'Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm' and 'Black Friday at The Secondhand Bookworm' before it. So 'Valentine's Day' will be number eight.

My sister says that I should keep writing and having as many as I like in the series. She is a fan of 'Agatha Raisin' by M.C. Beaton who is now up to 28 in her series! While I don't even contemplate comparing myself to a successful author, I write for fun, I would enjoy adding more to my series set in a secondhand and antiquarian bookshop, after all, I have ten years of memories and experiences, plus a good imagination. I have already partly written and planned numerous titles so I shall continue adding to the series.

Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm
by Emily Jane Bevans © 2018
In 'Book Club at The Secondand Bookworm', Nora Jolly is invited to set up a book club. It takes place in the front of the shop after trading hours, once a week, with a group of eccentric bibliophiles choosing and reading one book a week and then gathering to discuss it and pick another. In this novel I break with my pattern of covering a six day week in The Secondhand Bookworm and instead cover six weeks in The Secondhand Bookworm. This gives me the opportunity to delve into six specific novels as well as six Tuesdays at The Secondhand Bookworm.

My chapters are always divided into six blocks generally with two chapters covering a day, but I always have a day that lasts three chapters because I like to have thirteen chapters in a book. The novels are approximately 60,000 words which make them about 190-200 pages; your average contemporary paperback fiction read. For my cover design I had fun finding some amusing characters, including a dog. Of course, I had to include the Duke of Sussex who is a recurring and important character in my series. I hope to finish this novel once I have completed 'Halloween at The Secondhand Bookworm'.

All of my novel writing occurs in between working on my film production company 'Mary's Dowry Productions'. I write, narrate, edit, produce, film and direct numerous DVDs which are released  through Amazon and our online shop and are stocked throughout the world. As of August 2018 I have just completed 'Saint Mechtilde and the Holy Souls in Purgatory' and am having a break before I start editing our next film 'Our Lady and the Visionaries of Knock'. I'm looking forward to this one but once I get started I will be consumed and my novel writing is put aside.

Black Friday at The Secondhand Bookworm
by Emily Jane Bevans © 2018
I'm really looking forward to 'Black Friday at The Secondhand Bookworm'! We rarely had sales in the bookshop I worked in and when we did the customers went ballistic. Secondhand bookshop customers are a unique breed and lots of chaos and amusing situations unfold especially when bargains are involved. For this cover design I was delighted to find a little Tuk-Tuk to include, as well as two dogs that will feature in the story. Nora is on the front with her umbrella. It's always rainy in November in Castletown; fortunately the lovely new door and step now protects against flooding.

I am hoping that 'Black Friday at The Secondhand Bookworm' will be completed after 'Book Club' and will be number seven in the series. This will lead me to number eight and 'Valentine's Day' and then I can start designing the next covers for my ongoing series of novels set in an eccentric English secondhand bookshop!

Start the series today on AMAZON KINDLE worldwide.

Book one - The Secondhand Bookworm
Book two - Nora and The Secondhand Bookworm
Book three - Christmas at The Secondhand Bookworm
Book four - Summer at The Secondhand Bookworm


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