New bookshop series novel covers for Kindle and Paperback November 2021

November 2021

Fresh from a weekend of recreational designing (last weekend actually) are several NEW covers for my 'The Secondhand Bookworm' series of novels. As a designer (I mostly work on DVD covers for Mary's Dowry Productions) I enjoy refreshing the covers of my novels:

The covers I have worked on last weekend are:

The Secondhand Bookworm

Nora and The Secondhand Bookworm

Christmas at The Secondhand Bookworm

Summer at The Secondhand Bookworm


Halloween at The Secondhand Bookworm

Most of the covers have been updated on Amazon now.

I have made the colours brighter and included characters on the front. It embodies the contents better. I started writing the novels back in 2008 for my bookshop colleagues. In about 2014 I continued the series as a hobby. They get better as they go along. While there is romance it is 'friendship romance'. I keep the content clean. The novels look at friendship, work environments and ludicrous customers and scenarios in a bookshop. My ten years bookselling and book-buying experience allows for an informative coverage of books. Relationship wise, the romance between Nora and the Duke grows and blossoms and becomes part of the continuing theme. All eight (so far) are available on AMAZON Kindle.

I shall try to keep up with updates for this blog!


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