Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm - starting to write

I have now started to write book 7 in my series of humorous novels set in an English used bookshop. It is called 'Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm' and picks up a few weeks from where 'Friday at The Secondhand Bookworm' left off.

Lots of real life experiences pop up once more in the series and in this novel, Nora Jolly is running a Book Club. She has ten members to begin with, all with varying strong characters, some looking for romance, some wishing to simply stop their brains from rotting.

The Duke, her sister-in-law, cousin and several work colleagues as well as familiar customers and one stranger named Danny make up the club which begins with its first meeting in the middle of December in the front of The Secondhand Bookworm.

The book is comprised of thirteen chapters and rather than following the usual pattern of every two chapters taking place in six successive days of the week (with an extra chapter for one of the days), this time the novel takes place over seven weeks.

The Book Club gathers every Thursday evening from 6-8.30pm to read and discuss the forgotten novels of a priest turned mystery writer - the mysteries of Ulysses E Flood, which were privately printed and given to Nora by the late author's brother.

There are murders, secret societies and hair raising mysteries as the novels progress, with plenty of reflections by the eccentric customers and workers of The Secondhand Bookworm.

I am enjoying setting the scene in the first chapter which introduces Tom, who is convinced he looks like a young Hugh Grant. The novel will be released on Kindle and in paperback and is part of The Secondhand Bookworm series now available worldwide through Amazon.

Check back for updates soon!


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