The Secondhand Bookworm review from Good Reads

I'm pleased people are discovering The Secondhand Bookworm novels and I was delighted to read this review on Good Reads for Book 1 in the series, 'The Secondhand Bookworm'. I have reproduced it here but you can follow the link to read it on Good Reads below:

The Secondhand Bookworm review - Good Reads - October 2nd 20118

"A really delightful insight into the horrors of running an antiquarian bookshop. Bevans has a mild-mannered humour reminiscent of Barbara Pym, and the gentle everyday happenings of small-town business life further highlight the comparison. Nora, a self-insert in this biographical novel, garners the reader's love and sympathy from very early on. The tiny quirks of her colleagues make each of them stand out in an understated way, whilst the far bigger quirks of her customers can incite laughter and despair in equal measure. It goes beyond just being a vent of frustration for the author - which is a bit of a dangerous trap, with autobiographical novels - to actually immersing the reader in the world of small business, where every shopkeeper knows each others' names. Bevans goes to extra lengths to introduce minor recurring characters outside of the shop, and paints the picture of a quaint and tranquil town, dominated by a castle, in a truly memorable way. This was a really entertaining, quick read that deserves merit on a number of points; achieving humour and drama without resorting to constant swearing, creating worryingly real characters that are shockingly vile, and keeping a sprightly pace that carries through to the end. Well worth picking up!"

Thanks to John from Chichester for the review!

Start the series today at Amazon with 'Christmas at The Secondhand Bookworm' and 'Black Friday at The Secondhand Bookworm' on sale for BLACK FRIDAY.

Find the review on Good Reads here: 


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