Book 7 in the bookshop series of novels, currently underway -sneak peek

Now the Christmas bank holidays are over I am hoping to get back to writing my seventh novel in my 'bookworm' series. The book is called 'Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm' and follows on from book six which is called 'Black Friday at The Secondhand Bookworm'.

I managed to get to chapter three in 'Book Club' so far and am really enjoying writing it. I think that the scene where the book cub members introduce themselves is very funny and although I shall probably go over it several more times to edit it I thought I would include it here in this blog post.

It would be wonderful to have the novel completed and available for the end of January because I am hoping to have Book 8 'Valentine's Day at The Secondhand Bookworm' available for February. It's probably wishful thinking but it's a good deadline to set myself.

I hope to be able to add many more to the series throughout 2019. I have a lot of novels planned for the bookworm series. I think that for an independent author to gather readers who will be interested in her work it is important to have a lot of titles in a series. Not only that, but I'm obsessive and am enjoying writing them so it's great to be adding to it.

I'm looking forward to writing out a couple of characters and shaking things up a bit with a new set up in the bookshop. I actually hate it when authors do that but it's needed for the writing to continue with great ideas and fresh scenarios.

My favourite characters to write at the moment are Betty and Roger. I also enjoy writing Felix. Betty is so outrageous and practically everything she says and does is based upon my real work colleague Phyl. She really was very funny to work with and almost scandalous! Roger is a real grump and I love to write him moaning. Felix finds things very amusing and often dives under the counter to hide his hysterical laughter.

The Book Club is highly amusing, with some new and old customers and bookshop workers gathering to read a series of forgotten novels over six weeks. Here is the scene in chapter two where the Book Club members introduce themselves. Looking forward to having the completed novel available soon!

Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm
Excerpt from Chapter Two © Emily Jane Bevans 2018/2019:

“Good evening everyone and welcome to the first meeting of our Book Club.” Nora said, sitting down.
Everyone looked at her and she suddenly felt very self-conscious.
“Good evening, Gina.” Crossword-Lady replied and began to hand around her Tupperware of biscuits.
She had opened the lid and released a pungent smell of curry.
“What are these?” Spencer frowned.
“My home-made potato spiced biscuits. I shape them like donkeys and add extra Garam Masala.”
“Nice.” Spencer said and took one.
“Pass them on.” Crossword-Lady urged.
Felix smothered a laugh.
“I think it will be good if we go around the table and introduce ourselves before we begin.” Nora said, distracted by Cara taking a biscuit.
Cara grinned and held up the donkey shape. Nora’s lips twitched.
“Oh that sounds like a lovely idea, Nora.” Betty admired.
“Shall I start?” Crossword-Lady offered.
“Of course.” Nora nodded, deciding that Crossword-Lady was going to be a handful. “We’ll go around clockwise.”
“My name is May Bunn and I work for the donkey sanctuary outside Walltown where I used to live. I moved to Castletown in the summer after my house was robbed and I felt threatened by rapists. I like to sew, grow marrows and of course, read.” Crossword-Lady said.
Everyone stared.
“Are you done?” Spencer asked, chewing his biscuit slowly.
“Yes, that’s all I’m willing to share for the moment.” Crossword-Lady assured cheerfully.
“I’m Spencer and I’m a medium. I write articles for esoteric magazines and commune with the dead. My wife and I recently got divorced so I’m looking for companionship. I have a good sense of humour and can lift ten kilogram hand weights. I like to watch films and take walks in Castletown Park at night.”
Nora was aware of Felix, Humphrey, Amy and Cara struggling to keep their faces straight. Felix’s sniggers became a poorly covered up series of coughs.
James was staring in fascination while Betty’s ears had pricked up.
“Can I ask you to contact my late husband one day?” She asked, eyeing Spencer as fresh meat on the dating market. “I need to know what he did with the deeds to the house.”
Nora bit back a laugh.
“Shall we move on?” She asked desperately.
Cara was next.
“Hello! My name is Cara and I work here at the Secondhand Bookworm, but mainly at our Seatown branch. I’m married to Nora’s lovely brother Seymour. I like science fiction and fantasy books, TV shows and movies and I loved reading ‘The Missing Candlestick’s’!”
There was a murmur of agreement, but Nora didn’t get a chance to see who was agreeing because Betty clapped.
“That was lovely, Cara.” She praised. “My name is Bethany and I also work at The Secondhand Bookworm. I’m widowed.” She looked pointedly at Spencer and then at Danny. “I won’t say anymore. Thanks for listening.”
Danny cleared his throat.
“My name’s Danny Parker and I’ve just moved to Castletown. I don’t know a soul here, not one single person, so I’m hoping to make friends.”
“How brave and wonderful of you.” Betty gushed, fluttering her eyelashes.
James choked on his lemonade.
“Well, as Lois Wyse once said, ‘a good friend is a connection to life, a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world’.” Spencer quoted.
Everyone stared at him.
“Very wise words.” Cara smiled.
“As Winnie the Pooh once said, ‘promise me you’ll remember you are braver than you believe, stronger that you seem, smarter than you think’.” Miss Raven quoted competitively.
Danny stared at Miss Raven with interest so Betty cleared her throat again but couldn’t seem to come up with a quote of her own. Instead she scowled at Miss Raven.
Nora and James looked at one another, hiding their smiles.
“As C S Lewis said, ‘you can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me’.” Humphrey chipped in.
Amy laughed and Nora grinned.
Humphrey was staring at Nora and when he saw her grin he glanced at James with a triumphant look. James arched an eyebrow.
“Shall we continue to introduce ourselves?” Nora said quickly and nodded at Miss Raven beside Danny.
“I am Lola Raven.” Miss Raven said.
Everyone stared at her. Nora hadn’t expected her first name to be Lola.
“Hello, Lola.” Crossword-lady said.
“I prefer Miss Raven!” Lola snapped.
There was a silence.
“I collect children’s books and am the most faithful, dearest patron of this establishment. My mother and I have been patronizing it for decades and therefore we are granted a ten percent discount from all purchases.”
“I receive a ten percent discount too.” Spencer added.
Miss Raven looked at him.
Amy decided to cut in.
“I’m Amy! I live with my daughter Henrietta and my partner Christopher down Market Street. We own a restaurant which is closing in January so I’m doing part-time work. I love to read and hope one day to be a teacher. This is a lovely shop!”
Humphrey was next. He took a large swig of lemonade first.
“My sister owns The Secondhand Bookworms and I’ve been dating Nora who manages this one.” He said.
Nora stared at Humphrey, surprised he would feel the need to include the latter.
“My name is Humphrey and I run several businesses that include landscape gardening, plumbing, maintenance and construction.” He then stood up. “I’m in love with you, Nora.”
Everyone stared at Humphrey and then looked at Nora, except James and Cara who remained focused upon Humphrey.
There was a long, awkward silence. Nora was shocked and annoyed.
“So am I, Nora!” Cara then joined in and laughed, loudly. “It’s something we often say to Nora when we’re in the bookshop because she does such a wonderful job! I’m in love with you, Nora!”
Nora glanced at Cara and laughed tightly.
“Yes, it’s a funny thing.” She said, shooting Humphrey a dark look.
“I’m in love with you, Nora.” Betty joined in.
Roger cleared his throat.
“I’m Roger and I also work in this madhouse.” He said, folding up his newspaper. “I’m Buddhist and divorced and have two children. I don’t like crowds or stupidity.” He gave both Nora and Humphrey a withering glare.
Nora was still staring at Humphrey, aware of James doing so too. Humphrey looked awkward and sat down whereupon he frantically gulped the rest of his lemonade.
Felix was next.
“Oeeer.” He said, glancing between Humphrey and Nora.
“Who are you?” Nora asked her cousin, which made him snigger.
“I’m Felix and I have dreams of owning my own bookshop one day. I’d also like to be a journalist and an author.”
“That’s wonderful, Felix.” Betty praised.
Everyone was now looking a James who glanced around the table, focusing pointedly on Humphrey for a moment, before lingering warmly on Nora.
“I’m Jim. I’m an architect and I also collect books. I moved into Castletown last year.”
Nora returned his warm look before picking up her own copy of ‘The Two Candlesticks’.

'Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm' is due for release on kindle, kindle unlimited and in paperback 2019



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