Christmas at The Secondhand Bookworm FREE promotional weekend results

I really enjoyed making book three in my bookshop series of indie-novels available to purchase for free this past weekend (8th, 9th and 10th of February) through Amazon. I love self-publishing through Amazon and have had an amazing response about The Secondhand Bookworm series over the past year and a half that I have had them available on Amazon (paperback too).

I checked back on my sales reports this morning and was so pleased to see that 31 people had downloaded the free copy of Christmas at The Secondhand Bookworm. I wanted to make it available for people to try out and see if it's a series they would enjoy. I really enjoy writing it, love my characters and settings and have several more to come! I hope it will kick start a few people to read them all.

I have them as low priced as possible to purchase at £1.99 each, the lowest you can have your kindle books for sale on Amazon. All monies go into my film production apostolate that I run with my sister to purchase costumes, props, materials and more as we continue to produce DVDs about the lives of the British Saints, historical figures and English Martyrs, which we have been doing for 12 years now! We are currently working on a film about 'Edel Quinn and the Legion of Mary' as well as a film about 'Saint Francis de Sales', the latter of whom is the patron Saint of authors and journalists.

Hopefully in the future I shall make another of my books free for a weekend so more people can try out the series. Meanwhile, I am writing book, 'Book Club at The Secondhand Bookworm' in my spare time and hope to have that available soon.

The Secondhand Bookworm series of novels are all available from Amazon worldwide.


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