Z FOR ZACHARIAH at the Secondhand Bookworm - Chapter 6 of book two - a trip down memory lane


Throwback to primary school reading in the 1980's
While working on Chapter Six of my novel 'Nora and the Secondhand Bookworm' (book 2) I was reflecting upon a book I had read in school with my class; a book that freaked me out and has stayed with me my whole life. I like to include random things in my books and the event I was writing about in this particular chapter kept reminding me of my memories of 'Z for Zachariah' in a very tiny, random, subtle, tongue-in-cheek sort of way. I thought it would be a great chapter title and so it is.

It's funny how certain books make a large impression upon you (Watership Down was another childhood trauma reading experience!).

Z for Zachariah is a post-apocalyptic science-fiction novel by Robert C. O'Brien that was published posthumously in 1974. The name Robert C. O'Brien was the pen name used by Robert Leslie Conly. After the author's death in 1973, his wife Sally M. Conly and daughter Jane Leslie Conly completed the book guided by his notes.According to Sally Conly, Z for Zachariah was her husband's second novel intended for adults, following his 1972 science-fiction thriller A Report from Group 17.

Fifteen years or so after its publication I found myself 'forced' to read it as a young teenager in school. I think I was disturbed by it and also fascinated. The whole idea of isolation and strangers and a post-apocalyptic world was very scary to me!

So, when there's a certain event at The Secondhand Bookworm, my protagonist Nora reflects upon how she felt like Ann Burden in 'Z for Zachariah'.

I haven't seen the movie that was made of the book in 2015. When I heard about it I shrieked at the idea of watching it. But my little mention of the novel in Chapter Six of my own book 'Nora and the Secondhand Bookworm' might well help me start my own personal journey of recovery from reading it as a timid teen!

While I was working in 'my' bookshops during the course of ten years that I was involved in book selling and buying, I never came across a copy of 'Z for Zachariah'. So that was nice.

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