The Duke of Sussex (a character in - maybe - crisis) - The Secondhand Bookworm series of novels, English bookshop

I keep wondering/considering how to change the title one of my long-standing characters in my 'The Secondhand Bookworm' series after the Queen of England pinched my title of 'Duke of Sussex' and bestowed it upon Prince Harry. If I had chosen a lower title in the British peerage it would have been fine, like an Earl, Viscount or Baron, or made up a region, but I loved the idea of having a Duke of Sussex since the title had been extinct since 1843 with the death of Prince Augustus Frederick. I wonder, did her Majesty read my novels and think it would be a good title to resurrect (chuckles to self). I picked the 'Duke of Sussex' because my novels are set in a bookshop in Sussex in the fictional town of 'Castletown'. The royal resident arrives in book 3 'Christmas at the Secondhand Bookworm' which was published in December 2017. Yes, it's entirely possible that Queen Elizabeth II read it and was inspired by my character (chuckles again to self)...